Other Services

Additional Services

Stevens Scientific Services LLC is a flexible consulting business designed to meet the diverse needs of the scientific community in a confidential manner. Please contact us if you feel our company might be able to assist you in an area not currently mentioned at our website. We welcome a challenge. For example, we can offer head hunting services for an academic institution, a private foundation, or a pharmaceutical company. We also can assist in the creation of Nova like scientific documentaries.


Many of the graduate students and clinical fellows who trained in Dr. Stevens’s laboratory are presently the leaders in their respective medical fields. Ms. Stevens also ran a successful internship program at Northend Agent’s. We, therefore, will consider a promising and enthusiastic college intern who is considering pursuing a career in scientific writing and/or consulting. Ideally, that intern should have some experience in manuscript and grant writing and scientific research. English must be his/her first language. Please contact us for more information.